mardi 21 juillet 2009
dimanche 5 juillet 2009
two books to read
"Mosaïque" written by Odile Suganas, is the story of the Odile's search for the life of her family in Lituania.
Haunted by the memory of her grand mother, and other names from people who never escaped from Lituania. She has spent a lot of time there, looking for houses, graves, places where her family lived. This book is a beautiful description of her search to honor those who disapeared.
It will be soon translated in english. For those who read french you can buy it here :
The real story of Moishe Rozenbaumas, born in 1922 in Lituania, Moishe grew up in a jewish environment in Lituania, and at the beginning of the war, escaped to russia alone with a bicycle, arrived in a kolkhoze in Ouzbekistan, came back to russia to join the red army, and ..... I really advise this book, to discover the incredible life of a man who survived to the worse and finally ended in France.
You can find this book at
mercredi 10 juin 2009
Genealogy services
the center for jewish history in New York
Here is the Skuodas Yizkor book.
Thanks to Milla who works at Yivo and was so nice with me.
dimanche 24 mai 2009
The most important task of the Third World Litvak Congress is to develop and strengthen contact between Litvakes in the diaspora (Lithuania's Jewish emigrants and their descendants) and the Jews who live in Lithuania
More information can be found here
I am going to Lituania in july, maybe I should go back in august ...
some pictures of Lituanian synagogues & of Skuodas
and another one with pictures of synagogues :

wooden synagogue of Vilkaviskis
In Vilkaviskis in 1941 lived around 3,500 Jewish men, women and children. Of these 3400 where murdered during the months of July to November 1941. Only 950 have any memorial - 2,450 Jewish men, women and children died and have no known memorial - they died without a trace !
jeudi 21 mai 2009
The incredible Jewish Gen Database
- DAVID, Wulf , in 1855, Owners of large properties/qualified to vote, petit bourgeois
- DAVID, Movsha, in 1846 was a medium rich town dwellers
try it...
Short introduction to the purpose of this blog
For the first time, my father Jean-Paul Davidas (son of Naftali Eliahou, born in France during the war) and myself will be traveling to Lithuania in July 2009, and I have got two month to find as much information as possible about the jewish life before the war in Lithuania.
I am looking for history, books, web sites, pictures, other litvaks around the world, anything that can help understanding what was the life of my family there.
This blog is the story of this search.